Nail'n'Toe Online - You Do Local Print Advertising

We have the online tools
You know your local ad market
Online marketing, social media, Google AdWords and Facebook advertising are not a fad or craze; it is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. Social media is here to stay, whether we like it or not.
“E-patient” is a term that refers to health consumers who use the Internet to obtain information about medical issues of interest to them. They use online tools, including informational websites and social media sites, to discuss and learn more about specific medical topics.
Aesthetic, i.e. cash or fee-for-service, medicine has embraced the shift in advertising and millions of sites help develop patient traffic to doctor offices. Take any successful aesthetic practice, and you'll see a large online marketing budget and professional advertising. Guaranteed.
When a physician has a developed online presence through a network of sites, he or she can take charge of their online reputation and the information available about them on the Web.
Note: Between 1995 and 2011, the percentage of American adults with access to the Internet grew from 10 percent to 78 percent. If you don't have an online presence - you are invisible to potential patients.
Nail'n'Toe in in hundreds of websites and we are expanding our presence. We can handle all your efforts on the web.
Local Print and Word-of-Mouth Advertising
Print still matters, but you need to know where and how. Nail'n'Toe can help create a campaign, but ultimately you know the locals better: who reads what and does what at their leisure time. We can also help you expand the word of mouth and build on your good reputation. We can also help repair stained reputation via our online tools. Ultimately, though, you are the one responsible for your reputation.
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"How you can start Nail'n'Toe in your office - no investment, no purchase necessary - turn key solution for doctors."

Treatment Schedule
12 week, 4 visits, 2-3 laser treatment program:
- Visit #1:
Treatment #1: nail debridement + laser + topical + sanitization & prevention - Visit #2 (4-6 weeks after Tx #1):
Follow-up + nail debridement - Visit #3 (4-6 weeks after Visit #2):
Treatment #2: nail debridement + laser + topical + sanitization & prevention - Visit #4 (4-6 weeks after Visit #3):
Follow-up + nail debridement + Treatment #3 (if needed)
8 week, 3 visits, 2-3 laser treatment program:
- Visit #1:
Treatment #1: nail debridement + laser + topical + sanitization & prevention - Visit #2 (4-6 weeks after Tx #1):
Treatment #2: nail debridement + laser - Visit #3 (4-6 weeks after Visit #2):
Follow-up + nail debridement + Treatment #3 (if needed)