Nail'n'Toe - More than Just a Zap!

Clinical Efficacy for Patients
Extra Revenue for Providers
Laser for nail fungus is quickly becoming a procedure of choice for advanced podiatry and dermatology practices in the U.S. Nail'n'Toe is a cash-paid treatment that is not covered by insurance. Our network is the leader in the field. Our protocol is comprehensive. Providers deliver excellent clinical results for patient and develop significant ancillary revenue during these hard times for the medical profession.
Provider Network
Founded in November 2009, Nail’n’Toe is a network of healthcare providers of the most efficacious therapy for fungal nail infections on toes and fingers (onychomycosis). We are well established in South Florida and Tampa Bay, Florida. We have providers in other areas of the U.S., and we are looking to expand.
What’s in it for providers?
Nail’n’Toe is designed to increase the revenue for participating medical practices. We have done over 3,500 successful cases between November 2009 and July 2012. We have learned a lot from our mistakes and spent a fortune on legal advice on how to structure this service. As a result we can offer:
1. Protocol of an efficacious laser-assisted treatment
2. Business Model
3. Marketing program
Proprietary Protocol
We train and consult doctors and their staff on the administration of the treatment and use of the best practices to achieve clinical results and exceed patients’ expectations.
The protocol includes:
1. Nail debridement
2. Laser treatment
3. Topical medication
4. Oral medication (optional and primarily for severe cases)
5. Sanitization of the household (by patient)
6. Preventive regimen (by patient)
Multiple treatments, follow-up visits and patient compliance are required.
Business Model
We help you:
- Decide how much to charge patients in your service area
- Create forms and other documentation for patients and for office use
- Learn how to present the offer to patients
- What optional items to carry
- How to get financing for patients
- How to maximize the use of time and streamline the patient-nurse-doctor interactions
Nail’n’Toe will bring patients to your practice! We generate and nurture leads, pre-screen candidates and schedule appointments. This is a pay-per-action program and you are charged on the actual performance basis.
There are no upfront fees and you do not risk a dime!
We do not ask for any down payments for our services and we do not sell anything to you. You need to have a treatment room, an assistant (nurse), debrider and nippers. If you don’t have a laser you can rent one from Nail’n’Toe. We will also provide the start-up inventory of the topical medication.
All payments and fees due to Nail’n’Toe are collected from your receipts from patients: patients pay at your front desk, Nail’n’Toe bills you for marketing and rental services once or twice a month.
What are the treatment fees?
Based on our experience in different markets we recommend the following ranges:
- Toenails: $850 - $1,350*
- Fingernails: $450 - $600*
- Toenails + Fingernails: $1050 - $1,550*
* - The core 12 week treatment plan includes 4 visit: Tx #1 (debridement + laser + topical); #2 (nurse visit: debridement + check-up); #3 (debridement + laser + topical); #4 (nurse visit: debridement + check-up + optional 3rd laser if needed). You can offer optional items, such as UV shoe sanitizer ($130), socks, and personal hygiene items, at an extra charge. You can sell the topical medication (refills or to your own patients who cannot afford a complete Nail’n’Toe therapy course) at $60-75 (your cost is currently $25).
What will Nail’n’Toe charge for the services?
- Set-up Fee: $1,500
Includes the license-free transfer of the treatment protocol, training, online services and help support set-up and initial consultations. This fee is expensed over the first 1-2 months of operations. - Per Lead Charges:
- Toenails: $350
- Fingernails: $175
- Toenails + Fingernails: $450
Note: Nail’n’Toe patients will come to your office for treatment, but it is ultimately your job to close the lead. We cannot be responsible for situations when patients do not like your bedside manners or had a bad experience in your office. Since we have no control over your fees and payment terms, our per lead charges are due and payable in full regardless of your payment arrangements with the patient.
How much can I expect to make?
This is a joint effort and a maximum cooperation is required during the first three months of the operations. We have providers who do 70-80 new cases a month, but we also have doctors who do 5-7 cases a month. It depends on the location, economy, number of hours you have available in your schedule, possibilities of delegating to the staff, and marketing and advertising efforts.
Register to get started
Fill out the form to receive our presentation:
"How you can start Nail'n'Toe in your office - no investment, no purchase necessary - turn key solution for doctors."

Treatment Schedule
12 week, 4 visits, 2-3 laser treatment program:
- Visit #1:
Treatment #1: nail debridement + laser + topical + sanitization & prevention - Visit #2 (4-6 weeks after Tx #1):
Follow-up + nail debridement - Visit #3 (4-6 weeks after Visit #2):
Treatment #2: nail debridement + laser + topical + sanitization & prevention - Visit #4 (4-6 weeks after Visit #3):
Follow-up + nail debridement + Treatment #3 (if needed)
8 week, 3 visits, 2-3 laser treatment program:
- Visit #1:
Treatment #1: nail debridement + laser + topical + sanitization & prevention - Visit #2 (4-6 weeks after Tx #1):
Treatment #2: nail debridement + laser - Visit #3 (4-6 weeks after Visit #2):
Follow-up + nail debridement + Treatment #3 (if needed)